Monday, June 15, 2009

"The Lord of the Fading Lands" - C.L. Wilson

"Ver reisa ku' chae. Kem surah, shei' tani. Your soul calls out. Mine answers, beloved." -Rainier

From time to time I find myself with nothing to read. I devour books so quickly that I don't leave enough time to order the rest of the series or I forget to line up the next book. I made a trip to the Safford Public Library, and found it lacking. So I applied to Brigette, and she gave me this recent read of hers. I believe that I have mentioned it before, but she is a huge fan of the paranormal romance novels. I enjoy them, as well, especially as she keeps her suggestions to me rather tame!!

The Fae, are magical beings that are able to use the worlds elements to create objects, heal the wounded, and of course wield as a weapon. They are close to extinction due to the mass murders at the hands of their ruler Rainier vel'En Daris. He scorched the world after losing his love in the wars. To save his people he seeks the aid of the "Eye of Truth" an oracle of his people. In it he discovers a woman that calls out to his soul. His one true life mate.

Ellysetta Baristani, an orphan child raised by a woodcarver and his wife, is shocked when the Fae King announces that she is his One true beloved. She believes that she is not special. She only knows that a great evil lives inside her. So she tries to hide the magic that lives within at all costs, even from Rainier.

FROM C.L. Wilson's Website:

Lord of the Fading Lands
Book 1 of the Tairen Soul series
Leisure Books ~ October 2, 2007
ISBN: 0-8439-5977-0

Long ago, in the magical holocaust known as the Mage Wars, the immortal Fey and their allies fought to defeat the grasping evil of the Elden Mages and their dark-gifted supporters. During those wars, in a fit of grief-induced madness caused by the death of his mate, Fey shapeshifter Rain Tairen Soul nearly destroyed the world in a blaze of tairen fire.

Now, a thousand years later, the fierce Fey king must fight to save his race from the brink of extinction and once again stop the evil rising in the homeland of his enemies, the Eld. The key to his success lies in the mortal city of Celieria, where the Mage Wars began, and with a young woman whose soul sings to him in ways no woman’s ever has, whose presence reawakens the primal fury of the tairen within his soul, and whose vast, untapped power can either save or destroy him and his people.

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