Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

1) Pancho, Ry, (her x-mas present tigger), and Grandpa Frank 2) Cy and Grandpa 3) Cy "opening" his first ever x-mas gift!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you are all having a safe and happy holiday season thus far. We were lucky enough to get to spend some time with my father, his wife and step-son today. They only visited for a little while as they were on their way out of town. I only got a few pictures, but I will share them with you. (i almost didn't think to take out the camera until they were almost ready to leave)

1) Pancho, Me, Ry, Tigger, and Grandpa 2) Bubba, Ry, Cy, and Grandpa

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Some late complaining (if you have yet to see the Twilight film, and want to....I would suggest turning back)

This complaining is more ways than one! First of all, yes, I am up at frickin' 3:30am. I don't know why, and I have no way to explain it. I really do wish I was asleep. It is also late in that I watched the Twilight movie just a few days after it first came out. I figure now is a good a time as any to complain.

I didn't really have any expectations for the movie at all since I really disliked the books. (not part of the bandwagon..on either team jacob or edward) I went with my mom (whom had read the books and loved them), Brigette, and her mother (both of whom had yet to read the books). Brigette was basing her decision on whether or not she enjoyed the film...I told her not to hold her breath.

So we get to the theatre, the lights go dim, the collective breath is held. I have got to say that the actress that played the role of Bella was Awful! (yes that deserved a capital A) It was physically painful to watch her do everything....from walking to any facial expression. It really seemed as though she was reading her script aloud for the first time. With the first glimpse of the "preternatural vampires" all I could think was that they looked like someone slapped clown's make-up on them. I couldn't even suppress hearty laughter! My mom all but smacked me. (*I have to take a time out for a crying baby*)

Okay, I have returned, and at the more reasonable hour of 11:00! YEA! On with the rant. For those of you who were not lame enough to read the books, Edward belongs to the Cullen Family. They are a coven of vampires that do not stalk human as their food source. They drink the blood of animals and such. Jasper, the newest addition of that family, is supposed to be struggling with restraint. He is trying not to attack an kill every single student he is enrolled with. In the film his character just looks like he is struggling with the inability to control his bowls. (not a pretty picture, but honest truth)

These vampires are also extremely fast. The special affects to display this quality....blurry, fast moving appendages. Seriously. This was way to cartoon like for my taste. They are also supposed to have prismatic skin while in direct sunlight. Could that effect have looked any more like little girls pretend make-up? Shiny Barbie glitter rubbed on Edward.

I honestly don't know how many times that I laughed during the film. I even think that at one point I was falling asleep. Afterward my mom told me that she was embarrassed to be sitting next to me. Oh well. If I do attend the second movie in the Twilight series, it will be out of my deep love for my mother.

Monday, December 22, 2008

This is courtesy Autumn...again. She rocks!

my first baby

1. Were you married at the time? For almost three years.
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? I was so happy, but shocked. It was supposed to take some time....oh well!
3. How old were you? 22
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I was sick for about a week, but didn't think that I could be pregnant yet....haha!
5. Who did you tell first? John was with after that I called my mom, and the rest of my family. Meanwhile John called his family.
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes, it is easier to shop when you know. I was itching to start!
7. Due date? September 17, 2007
8. Did you deliver early or late? I was induced 5 days early.
9. Did you have morning sickness? Every day without fail.
10. What did you crave? Chicken Tacos and milk.
11. What irritated you the most? I was still working, so I would have to say being large and doing four 10's for a perfectionist of a surgeon.
12. What was your first child's sex? Girl
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 22 lbs.
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I developed pre-ecclampsia.
15. Where did you give birth? TMC
16. How many hours were you in labor? I arrived at 10:30-ish, but they didn't start the meds. to induce labor until 2:30. Then @ 6:00 they moved me to a L&D Room, and amp'd up the drugs. She came at 11:22. (roughly 9 hours later)
17. Who drove you to the hospital: John
18. Who watched? John and my mom. (and of course the necessary people) My dad and older brother were outside waiting.
19. Vaginal or c-section? Vaginal
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Who wouldn't. I got the Epidural, and was able to sleep through contractions!
21. How much did your child weigh? 5 lbs 1 oz
22. What did you name him/her? Ryenn Justine
23. How old is your first born today? 15 months
24. Who did you name him/her after?It was a name I always wanted for my daughter. Luckily John liked it too.
25. How many more children do you want to have? 2 depending. If my second pregnancy is as complicated as Ry's was....we may adopt our 3rd. child.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend in the city

1) Ry and John with the Lion 2) Ry handing daddy rocks!
Ry is now officially 15 months old. I can't believe that we have made it this far. I seriously remember being anxious for her to start crawling, then wishing she could walk, then wishing that she would just sit still a minute! Ahhh, time really does fly. Anyhow, we had a well-baby check this weekend. Ry still sees the pediatrician in Tucson. We spent a great weekend visiting with my dad and John's friends. (he still mourns the loss of his friends due to childhood...yeah...he should grow up ;)

1) Me and Ry with the turtle (looks real huh) 2) Ry, Daddy, and the monkeys

My dad lives in Rancho Sahuarita. A huge, shinny subdivision near Tucson. This place is crazy! It has its own water park, multiple play areas, and a really neat place called Safari Trail. It has huge bronze animals from Africa, and a few desert creatures as well. We thought Ry would have a good time checking out the animals, but she would much rather play with the fancy gravel and grass. (oh well) While playing at the park she loved the slide, but she hated the swings.

1) Daddy, Ry, and the elephant 2) A tight fit! 3) Ry on grandpa's Harley

Her appointment went well. She is in good health, and is always very well behaved for the doctor. The nurse administering the shots did a great job! Ryenn didn't even cry, or react, to the first shot. The second and third shot was a different story! She cried hysterically. (which is what we have come to expect.)
1) Momma, Ry, and the gorilla 2) The slide!!!
We also went to the 4th Ave. "Street Fair." It was the first time I had even been. It was awesome. There were vendors selling different things. Plenty of artists, good food, and novelty items. We purchased an awesome mosaic tile turtle, a small guitar for Ry, and a purse/bag hand-made in Nepal. It is gorgeous. I will have to get a picture of it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Questions

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Mostly wrapping paper. I am a fanatic!

2. Real tree or artificial? artificial. I hate having to take care of the tree.

3. When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down? The day after New Year's (apparently).

5. Do you like eggnog? I don't think so...It has been a while since I have tried it.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? P.J. Sparkles

7. Hardest person to buy for? My brother Pancho

8. Easiest person to buy for? My mom.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Neither....maybe I'll have to change year

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Um...The mani-pedi idea that never came to be!

12. Favorite Christmas movie? How the Grinch Stole Christmas

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I don't really have a set time....when the opportunity presents itself.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't think so?!

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? How I am a big fan of food.

16. Lights on the tree? What isn't on my tree??

17. Favorite Christmas song? Um...the one on the movie Elf....where Jovie is singing in the shower.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home...our first year ever!

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Don't think so

20. Angel on the tree top or star? star

21. Open presents Christmas Eve or morning? morning

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? shopping in the store for regular things....but everyone else in the world is there for their Christmas things.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Ours is currently silver and blue. (according to some trusted friends the blue is hard to see at night. we may need to change our theme next year)

24. Favorite Christmas dinner? Once!

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I'm always game for pajamas and toe socks. (don't care how juvenile that is)

A Picture of our lovely tree, it looks better at night. Trust me!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Family portraits and reunions

Recently we had our family portraits taken. I am happy to report that we have finally received our order. I am so happy with the way they turned out. (not happy about the cost of nine photos...grr) I will post them, but keep in mind that I don't have a scanner, and my current camera does not have the "take picture of picture" setting. Needless to say they will look slightly crappy!

(yes i said there were nine, but my camera isn't up to the awesomeness)

I also have two other family related topics. My sweet little brother-in-law has been on his mission in Argentina for almost two years now. We were so pleased to learn that he has received his flight arrangements to come home. He will be back in the states on April 8th, 2009 at 8:00am! In the time that he has been gone he has missed the birth of two nieces and one nephew, the death of two uncles and two grandparents. (the count maybe up to three grandparents by the time he actually gets here) I hope he will be mostly unchanged. I miss the innocent, boyish, gamer that left us. So the count down to Travis' return begins. 119 days until he is back!

Travis and Conner at Travis' high school graduation

Also, Avery found her way home! She came at 4:00 am, and I could hear her whining outside of our bedroom window. She was filthy, as it was raining, and covered from head to toe with mud and stickers. I gave her a bath, and she is enjoying her time as an inside dog. (for now and only in certain rooms of the house) Still, no sign of Ashe, but I will keep looking. (too bad she is the dumb one!)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving....and lots more

It's been a while. Yes, I know. I will get to the reason for my absence eventually, but first....

Cyrus and Ryenn looking adorable

Thanksgiving Day was fun. We had a lot of food, family and friends. Who could ask for more. John and I held a Thanksgiving Lunch here. Our good friend, Bob, decided that he should teach John how to deep fry the turkey. After all the instructions were given, John was turned loose. I am very pleased that he didn't blow himself up. It resulted in two burnt fingers, and a delicious turkey. Bob and Mariah had a change of plans, and they attended our T-day feast. The rest of my family came, too.

1) Ryenn and Tio Pancho 2) Sunny, Gaspar, and Cyrus 3) Pancho, Me, and Gaspar

My mother, daughter, and I went to visit my grandmother. (i let john off the hook because the dallas cowboys were playing) We missed the hullabaloo at her house. We only stayed for a little over an hour. My grandmother and one aunt were still left cleaning up after what I can only assume was a circus.

John and I went to his family's home for dinner. We had a great time there as well. (and ate more than we should have) The family watched the second half of the cowboys game, thanks to the miracle of DVR. Then I played my first ever game of Clue (thanks brigette). It was funny, but very hard to pay attention to due to all the comings and goings of the children.
1) Me and my handsome hubby John 2) Mariah, Ryenn (sort-of), and Me 3) Ryenn and Bob
Black Thursday came and John, Bob, and Mariah braved the crowds of Wal-Mart. John returned with an X-box 360. The package came with a few games including Guitar Hero and the guitar controller. Needless to say, we have been playing a lot of this in our spare time. I have also gotten quite hooked on a cute game called Harvest Moon: It's a good life. In this game your character inherits a farm. Yes, the entire game is farming, taking care of animals, finding a wife, and other side games. Lame, I know! Rather time consuming. I am also reading books recommended to me by Brigette.

John and Ry

Since then we have also lost our dogs. I am really sad. I hope they come back. We have been in touch with Animal Control, and we have made a lost dog poster.