Friday, February 13, 2009

Funny Story

This is going to be a very short blog, but it is a very cute, funny story. Ryenn started off as a baby that hated shoes. She would kick, scream, and cause any sort of mischief to keep shoes off of her feet. I could put shoes on her and she would curl up her body so that we couldn't put her down to try them out. She was a year old before she would even allow us to put them on for even a few minutes.

So, it is quite the turn for her to be a little Jimmy Choo. She loves shoes. One lovely morning Ry decided that she wanted to wear a pair of shoes. Unfortunately she didn't have socks on. I told her to get some socks. (at the time i was sorting laundry) She found a pair of mine in a pile, and brought them to me. I explained that those were mommy's socks, and she would need to go to her room and get a pair of hers. She sorta looked at me spun in a little circle, and ran to her room. In just a few seconds she returned with socks. They were two different socks, but it was cute nonetheless.

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