Monday, May 18, 2009

Cantankerous: WotW #2

can·tan·ker·ous (kn-tngkr-s)
1. Ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable: disliked her cantankerous landlord.
2. Difficult to handle: "had to use liquid helium, which is supercold, costly and cantankerous" Boston Globe.

Yes, welcome b
ack to "Word of the Week!" (i know you have been quivering with anticipation)

1). Dr. Perr
y Cox

2). The evil kitty trying to attack Pon & Zi (pictured above)
3). Ry at diaper changing time
4). Most old ladies when without prunes or hard candy
5). Sea Bears

6). Steven Colbert on the subject of the proposed soda tax (and bears too....but what about sea bears??)
7). Lewis Black
8). Librarians
9). Martians (what's with all the probing?)
10). Llamas

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