Monday, September 15, 2008

Bon Halloween!

I am super psyched for Halloween this year!! For those of you who don't know, Ryenn was super tiny when she was born. When her first Halloween came she was much too small for wearing a costume. She wore preemie outfits for about the first three months of her life. She still fits into some 0-3 month clothes and she is a year old!!

Anyhow, this year is different. The costumes have been ordered, and I could not be more thrilled! Ryenn is going to be a super cute bee (sorry Mariah). I love this costume. It has an attached stinger and everything. I only hope that she will wear the hood. She is pretty well known for not liking hats or hair ribbons.

We also bought costumes for us. John has consented to being Harry Potter! He has the glasses, and I am definitely painting a lightning bolt scar on his forehead! Whoo-hoo! Of course most women's costumes are pretty slutty during the Halloween season. I have ordered a knock off Gryffindor school girl costume. It is a plus size, and I am hoping that it will be longer for it. I will probably wear tights as well. Don't worry, I am sure to take plenty of pictures!!


  1. Hey stephanie!
    We have a blog too! Ryenn is getting so big! She is a doll!

  2. i see you trying to catch up to me and i don't appreciate it one bit lil missy! hahaha. i'm just kidding. i was seriously trying to think of a new blog idea for hours and had nothing. ugh. i need a life. hopefully something new happens soon or you are gonna pass me forever. or maybe i just need a baby to post cute pics of. lol
